Happy Veterans Day!

Please join me and my special co-host Kimberly Moore (aka Lady Libertas) as we honor US Vets on The Liberty Belle Hour tonight at 6 p.m. Eastern. If you’re a veteran, please call in so we can thank you for your service and  give you an opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences. Freedom rings on The Liberty Belle Hour tonight at 6 p.m.!

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Filed under Talk Radio, US Military

Allen West goes to D.C.

Last night, my new Congressman-elect (I love typing that!) Allen West gave a moving speech to the West Palm Beach Republican Club, in which he honored veterans, upheld American Exceptionalism and vowed to stand firm for the US Constitution once sworn into office in Washington D.C.

I’d had the good fortune of unexpectedly bumping into Allen as he strode through the parking lot toward the entrance of the Bear Lakes Country Club, when I had to return to my car to retrieve my Flip-corder. He thanked me sincerely for working so hard on his campaign as I gave him a hug and my congratulations (something I’d been unable to do at his victory party, due to the size of the crowd). Truly, this is a man of honor and integrity.

It’s hard to describe just how thrilled South Florida is to have this decorated war hero and and patriot representing us, but you’ll get an idea of the scope our our genuine love  and affection  for Lt. Col. Allen West in the two videos below.

God bless Allen West as he begins a new phase of service to his country. And God bless all of our US Veterans!


Filed under Politics, Tea Party, US Military

Tea Party Fort Lauderdale celebrates the 2010 Midterms

I spent a few hours on the corner of US 1 and Oakland Park Blvd. on a gorgeous South Florida day with the  Tea Party Fort Lauderdale. The longest-running Tea Party in the USA, founders Danita Kilcullen and Jack Gillies have done a tremendous job growing the group, supporting local conservative candidates and offering information on  pending legislation, amendments and other important developments.

While the group realizes that our work has only just begun, yesterday was mostly about taking time out to celebrate our successes after nearly two years of passionate, dedicated activism.  The three videos I put together, beginning with Part One below, tell the tale of what ordinary, everyday Americans can accomplish with enough belief, persistence and willingness to roll up their sleeves. Enjoy!

Update: Here’s the second video from the day:

Update: Third video featuring US veteran John Sykes’ presentation on the US Marine Corps.

Update: Fourth and last video featuring a beautiful rendition of The Star Spangled Banner from Ashley.

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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Talk Radio, US Military

Dems’ worst nightmare gets off to great start

Via Hot Air, the pride of Florida demonstrates why Clinton and the Dems put so much pressure on Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race. As with Florida Congressional District 22’s Allen West, Rubio instills fear in the hearts of progressive, identity politics  players everywhere, laying to rest the misguided notion that all minorities are enthralled by the nanny state.

Making Rubio even more formidable is his own compelling life story as the son of Cuban exiles who fled tyranny and embraced freedom in the United States of America. And they didn’t ask for handouts — as Rubio explains, their dream became a better life for their children, and they weren’t above working hard as a bartender and a maid to ensure that outcome. Thus, a child of immigrants attains the office of United States Senator, all the while espousing and upholding the commonsense, conservative principles that made it all possible, thanks to our Founding Fathers and a watershed document known as the United States Constitution.

I am so proud to call Marco Rubio my United States Senator and Lt.Col. Allen West my congressman!

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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Tea Party, US Military

Marco Rubio: Class Act

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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, US Military

Pam Bondi top vote-getter in Florida

Pam Bondi, Florida's new AG-Elect.

Seems the Sunshine State has a formidable conservative female force of its own in Palin-endorsed Pam Bondi, who not only won her AG race handily, but garnered the most votes of all Florida candidates. The Conservative Divas and other South Florida patriots caught up with Pam on election eve at the Boca Raton Airport, just before she left to return to Tampa.

Congratulations to a real superstar with a proven record of accomplishment as a prosecutor and legal analyst. With Bondi as AG, Florida’s fight against Obamacare will continue.  Keep up the great work, Pam!

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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Sarah Palin, Tea Party

Scenes from the Allen West Victory Party

Lt. Col. (RET) Allen West poses with my brother Ralph after an event in Deerfield Beach, Florida in August, 2009.

Aside from the euphoria of a decisive Allen West victory over progressive, incumbent mud-slinger Ron Klein, I had the pleasure of bumping into Robert Stacy McCain, one of my favorite bloggers last night. Saw the fedora racing from the ballroom area to the lobby of the Boca Marriott and just had to follow. Strangely, the first thing he asked after I offered him and his blog glowing, sincere praise was, “Can you buy me a beer?”

Unfortunately for RS McCain, I’d quickly changed purses after a long day of poll watching and had left my cash behind. He did eventually end up with a beer, so all is well (not sure who bought). And it was pretty cool to meet him. Not as cool as an Allen West victory, but memorable nonetheless. 😉

So thrilled that Florida Congressional District 22  “de-Kleined” in favor of a constitutionally conservative war hero after an acrimonious, repugnant campaign in which the incumbent Democrat with the 98% pro-Pelosi/Obama record threw as many false accusations and character assassinations he could at a decorated war hero. Apparently, the hundreds of “racist rednecks” in attendance last night agreed with me as they cheered on their new congressional representative and showered him with hugs, kisses and high praise. It’s an honor to call West my representative, and I can only imagine how poor, pitiful Obama felt listening to his inspirational, unapologetically American victory speech, if indeed, he did.

Be afraid, Barry. Be very afraid.

Anyway, here’s some raw footage of one of the most uplifting, high-energy events in recent memory.

More videos coming soon.

Update: I should have clarified (though this post was written in good humor) that McCain was having trouble with the hotel’s ATM, which wouldn’t read his card. Problem was eventually resolved. And yeah, it was an awesome night all the way around, even though Ron Klein refused to show any class by calling Allen to congratulate him. Sore loser.

Update 2: Found this on YouTube:


Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, US Military

Liberty emerges victorious in first major battle to restore the USA

When Barack Obama won the presidency in November, 2008,  it felt as if a heavy cloud of sorrow, apprehension and anxiety would hang over our once great nation indefinitely. I recall experiencing the same sort of mournful, heavy-heartedness one undergoes upon the death of a loved one — made even more bitter after tireless efforts to get John McCain and Sarah Palin (ok, Palin, who made voting for McCain much more palatable) elected.

Posing with Adam Hasner at a rally in January, 2009.

As previously noted, I was a Tea Partier before it was cool. I was raised a conservative and have remained one my entire adult life. I love the United States of America with all my heart — the adopted homeland of my great-grandparents and grandparents, and the place where my father, son of humble immigrants, achieved his dream of becoming a surgeon. The place where my maternal grandfather graduated from Temple Pharmacy School in 1919 — during a time when such an accomplishment was nearly unheard of for immigrants — and opened up a corner drugstore that was a landmark  in his neighborhood for over 25 years.

Giving it our best shot on Election Day, 2008. Sarah Palin would prove to be the bright light in an otherwise dismal campaign.

That was the America I was raised to treasure, appreciate and defend through grassroots activism. For as long as I can remember, my parents were always  involved in the political process at all levels — local, state and national. I knew what I believed and why. Had I been old enough, my first presidential vote would’ve been for Ronald Reagan, but alas, I missed the opportunity to send him back for a second term in 1984 by several months.

But I remember well his sunny optimism, his love of country and his stalwart, principled leadership. Thanks to his indefatigable efforts, the scourge of communism at last crumbled, freeing Eastern Europe, East Germany and the former Soviet Union.

Yet years later, politicians who abandoned Reagan conservatism set our county on a course of reversal that ultimately led to the ascendancy of the most radical president in the history of the United States of America.

The mournful morning after November 4, 2008, when a crowd paraded in front of the White House brandishing  the unthinkable — the Hammer and Sickle flag — I remember crying uncontrollably on the phone with a dear friend and fellow patriot, wondering what would happen next. What was to become of the land of opportunity that had drawn untold numbers to its shores, including my own amazing family? Was the American Dream really over?

The inaugural Fort Lauderdale Tea Party, which would become the longest running weekly event of its kind in the USA.

My  answer came a few months later, when something amazing happened. Ordinary Americans decided they weren’t going to go gently into socialism and tyranny. So they rose up in remarkable numbers to defend their freedom, even in the bluest of places. From South Florida to Seattle, they protested on street corners and town hall meetings, threw their support behind stalwart conservative candidates, organized on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and vowed to do everything within their power to take their country back.

A bright light began to pierce the darkness.

With "Too Tall Dan", a South Florida patriot friend, on the corner of US 1 and Oakland Park Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale.

Tea Party Fort Lauderdale, the longest-running Tea Party in America, formed in February of 2009 — founded by Danita Kilcullen and Jack Gillies — and is still  going strong, week after week. Every Saturday, they gather on the corner of US 1 and Oakland Park Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale — with plans to step it up even more in the wake of last night’s amazing election results. Over the past 20+ months, they’ve grown into a force to be reckoned with, as has Karen Hoffman’s South Florida-based DC Works for US.  A tireless grassroots activist, Hoffman is one of the most dedicated, genuine people I know.

With Fort Lauderdale Tea Party Founder, Danita Kilcullen.

Then there are my dear friends and passionate defenders of freedom, Ellen, Kathy, Jessica, Christina, Victoria — and so many others who’ve kept me strong, determined and resolute throughout the first major battle of a long, protracted war. Getting to know these fine human beings has been an incredible blessing.

And to all of my Facebook and Twitter friends whom I only know through the blessings of modern technology, thank you for being a welcome source of strength and resolve in a very trying period in history. Along with local friends and my family, you’ve managed to keep me sane through the radical madness that defines Obama’s presidency.

Last night was the culmination of a hard-fought, principled fight, and the celebration was sweet. But as Florida’s new  governor-elect likes to say, “It’s time to get to work!”

Sorry the audio has been disabled by You Tube. There were great country songs blaring at the Scott/Carroll rally the other day.

Congratulations to Rick Scott, Jennifer Carroll, Jeff Atwater, Pam Bondi, Adam Putnam, Marco Rubio and Allen West!

For today though, I think I’ll bask in the glory of victory. After hours spent precinct walking, robo-calling, sign-waving, poll watching and otherwise doing everything in my power to help elect good, strong conservative patriots, I don’t think it’s asking  too much.

Besides, I have some awesome videos I need to  post from the Allen West victory part last night at the Boca Marriott! As the Sun-Sentinel said, “in the end, it wasn’t even close”. Florida CD 22 “de-Kleined” in favor of our constitutional conservative war hero. 😉

And here’s the son of an exile, now Florida’s newest US Senator:

We’re taking it back, baby!

More video to come.





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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Sarah Palin, Social Media, Tea Party, US Military

Rally for Allen West and All FL Conservative Republican Candidates

Lt. Col. (RET) Allen West poses with my brother Ralph after an event in Deerfield Beach, Florida in August, 2009.

Spent a good portion of yesterday and today rallying with other like-minded patriots in Boca Raton, at the corner of Glades and  St. Andrews, by the Town Center Mall. It’s always comforting, reassuring and uplifting to spend time  among grassroots Americans who love their God, country and constitution, even more so now that we’re less than 48 hours away from the most consequential midterm elections in modern history.

We got many approving honks and thumbs-up from passing  cars, though we were also subjected to the occasional angry liberal flipping the bird and shouting obscenities and epithets,  not just at us, but — quite shamefully — a true American war hero. Voting for Lt. Col. Allen  West was a great honor for me; I’ve met him on many occasions and have nothing but respect and admiration for his character, his distinguished Army career and his many accomplishments.

That know-nothing Obama zombies of all ages would spew such drive-by venom and vitriol toward West is hardly surprising, though no less outrageous. After all, his incumbent Democrat  opponent Ron Klein has based his entire re-election bid on mudslinging and character assassination.  As previously noted, when you have a 98% pro-Obama/Pelosi voting record, the last thing you want to do is run on your record of support for odious and unpopular legislation like Obamacare, Cap and Trade and stimulus.

Readers of my blog may be surprised to know I am also a “fu^%$ing redneck”. Well at least that’s what some guy who looked to be around my age yelled out to me from his Range Rover as he sped by. I’ll take it as a compliment — the redneck part, anyway. After all, if loving my freedom, country, national security and creator make me a redneck, I am guilty as charged.

Here’s the first video from yesterday’s gathering; I will upload the second one soon.

Go West, Rubio, Bondi, Scott/Carroll, Putnam and all great Florida conservative Republican candidates!

Update: Here’s a video from Sunday’s rally. Not sure why I am swaying from side to side during my interview, but it’s probably because  the wooden sign I am holding was very heavy!

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Filed under Conservative Activism, Politics, Tea Party, US Military

Pray for Our Nation: The Economy

From the book Pray for Our Nation, published by Harrison House, p. 14:

Dear Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for our economy. I know that even more than a strong military, a strong economy helps keep a nation powerful.

Father, I pray that You would raise up people of skill and wisdom who would affect the economy of our nation. Give them inspired ideas and a voice with the powers that be.

Cause Congress to vote aright in these matters. Give them foresight so that provision might be made for our nation’s future, not just its present.

Father, as the people of our nation continue to finance the preaching of the Gospel and help the poor all over the world, I pray that You would continue to prosper us more and more.

While we give praise to God, the supreme disposer of all  events, for  His interposition on our behalf, let us guard against the dangerous error of trusting in, or boasting of, an arm of flesh…

If your case is just, if your principles are pure, and your conduct is prudent, you need not fear the multitude of opposing hosts.

— John Witherspoon, A Signer of the Declaration of Independence


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